Kobe's photo motion
December 22, 2017 KobeF 0 Comments
Photographing Motion
December 21, 2017 Shaira Santana 0 Comments
Theo Baldo's Photomerge
December 18, 2017 Theo Wild Child Baldo 0 Comments
Theo's Best Portfolio
December 18, 2017 Theo Wild Child Baldo 0 Comments
Phoebe's Best Photos Portfolio 2017
December 15, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
Saleem's Best of 2017 Portfolio
December 15, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
These are my best photos of 2017.
Inigo's Best Photos of 2017 Portfolio
December 13, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
Zhan's Best Portfolio 2017
December 13, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
Alyzea's PhotoMerge
December 13, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
Winter is in Canada and most students area late because of that. Most schools shut down and students can't attend school because of the weather. So being at a school that doesn't do that is really cool. We area allowed to stay at school even through the conditions.
Mary Jane's Best Portfolio 2017
December 13, 2017 maryjane873 0 Comments
Kane's Best 2017 Portfolio
December 13, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
Kim's Best Photos of 2017
December 13, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
Darshan's Best 2017 Portfolio
December 13, 2017 Darshan Singh 9-05 0 Comments
Tj Best 2017 Portfolio
December 13, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
Kim's Photo Merge
December 13, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
Here is my photo merge its me in the outdoor classroom being me. I am admiring myself because Kane told me to admire myself. I'm a wild sprit in the white snow of Winnipeg while wearing a jean jacket that Jade bought me. Kane's great and I'm a great person to take pictures of. I look great my love for life looks so real in these picture. I can't come up with anymore inspirational things to say I'm sorry.
Zhaira's Best Portfolio 2017
December 13, 2017 zhaira 0 Comments
Troy's Best Photo Portfolio
December 13, 2017 Troy Garcia 8-121 0 Comments
Joshua's Best Portfolio 2017
December 13, 2017 Joshua Ancheta 8-73 0 Comments
JordanD's Best Photos Portfolio
December 13, 2017 Jordan Deocareza 0 Comments
Shasha's Photomerge
December 12, 2017 Shasha 06 0 Comments
Emotions are hard to be kept from being shown to others, and yet we still manage to. In this photo merge, I wanted to show what most people feel, including me, when problems try to become part of our lives. People see most of us happy and positive all the time. No problems can be seen by the ways we act or the way we look. Little do they know, we've been suffering deep inside. Trying to overcome the problems, and trying to keep them in ourselves. And when people ask if we're okay, we want to say "No we're not, and that were scared to get hurt even more, to get rejected, we want to tell someone, but they might think that were just seeking attention". Though, these words won't spill from our mouths but instead, we say "I'm fine, just tired".
This photo merge meant alot to me, because it describes the ways I feel almost all of the time. Sasha's photo in the middle might seem incomplete, but it is suppose to look like that. She is sad because she was missing parts of her due to all the bad things that had been happening to her. The side of her that people don't see. On the other hand, the other two photos describes the other side of her that people see, the visible side of her that covers the other.
Veni's Photomerge
December 11, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
Saleem's photomerge
December 11, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments

This photo portrays just how drastically someones calm afternoon can change. It was only 12:16 as Mr. Rodriguez put his lunch in the microwave, and had been surprised by one of his students. After seeing her marks Sasha had decided to take matters into her own hand and confront the teacher in the deserted hallway. Before Rodriguez could even react Sasha had stabbed in the heart and twisted it out. You may think she's completely out of her mind, but her reasoning seems sound. He had given her a 60%, this practically belittles her schoolwork and her skill level. Unfortunately Mr. Rodriguez had to be the victim of Sasha's insanity.
Veni's Best Portfolio 2017
December 11, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
Shaira's PhotoMerge
December 11, 2017 Shaira Santana 0 Comments
This is a photo merge of my brother Shane. I decided to take pictures at home so I had control of the lighting and background. I don't really know what story I'm trying to tell in this photo, I just told him to do whatever he wants. At first he didn't really agree to this because it was 11:00 pm, and he wanted to sleep, he only agreed because I said I would take him out to eat. I had to edit this picture about five times because whenever I thought I was "finished" he always had a body part missing, I used Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 to merge the photo's together, and used the healing spot tool to replace missing body parts. I also brought up the saturation to add colour to his skin because he looked really pale. This photo consists of five pictures, but I actually took at least 15. I put a lamp on top of my head to add even more light because it was still pretty dark with the flash on, I also had no tripod so I used a chair. The pictures were always overlapping so I had to fix his hair as well as the guitar. If you right-click, select "open in new tab", and zoom in, you could see the guitar and his hair was painted on. Overall this assignment was relatively simple, except of course, editing missing parts.
Troy's Photo Merge
December 11, 2017 Troy Garcia 8-121 0 Comments
In this photo tells a story of the everyday life of a student. There are many poses in this photo that represents the daily activities of a student. The student on the far right is showing a student looking at something interesting. The student next to that student is just plain depressed and dont know what to do anymore, so he's just sitting there. The other three students on the left are just doing plain things. Opening lockers, using microwaves, and ditching school. So these are my photo merge photos that made this happen by the power of editing.
Anna's Photomerge
December 11, 2017 anna904 0 Comments

This photo represents a sprouting flower that dies and becomes new again. It starts with a strong flower who is confident and self loving, but the weather changes and the season of spring and summer come to an end and the flower dies. It stays dead throughout all of winter and fall but once summer and spring it grows into a confident flower again, and it just repeats.
Macro Photography
December 11, 2017 Mr. H 0 Comments
Great Links How to
Great Shots
Jordan D's PhotoMerge
December 11, 2017 Jordan Deocareza 0 Comments
Kane's Photomerge
December 11, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
I used Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 for making this photomerge. Basically I took the
background photo and took each picture that Theo was in and cropped Theo on the
background photo. When I was done I saved it as a jpg instead of a psd.
Darshan's Photomerge
December 11, 2017 Darshan Singh 9-05 0 Comments
My Best 2017 Portfolio
December 11, 2017 Mr. H 0 Comments
Crop them to HD or 16 by 9. Place them in a slide deck and publish them to the web.
Your blog post should have the following labels and titles.
Labels portfolio2017, mybestshots, Yourname, Term2
Title **&^'s Best Portfolio 2017
Once you have them cropped please rename the Venibest1, Venibest2 ..... substitute your name for Veni.
Place them in the folder on the j-drive gct17 bestwork folder. Make sure they are cropped and named.
Due by 11:45 December 11th
Janebelle's Photo Merge
December 11, 2017 janebelle814 0 Comments
Joshua's Photo Merge
December 10, 2017 Joshua Ancheta 8-73 0 Comments

Zhan's Photomerge
December 10, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments
In this photo I’ve tried to capture the insanity that could take place in a classroom if teachers weren’t involved. Complete liberty is also a part of something I’ve tried to grasp in order to complete the story in the picture. At the middle is my little sister hanging from a shelf on the brink of falling off, and she is also found rolled up in the middle of the table loathing life. Another version of herself is also playing tug a war on a Christmas decoration with Mary Jane. Lastly at the back right corner is Mary Jane playing with a picture frame.
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This photo portrays just how drastically someones calm afternoon can change. It was only 12:16 as Mr. Rodriguez put his lunch in the ...
This is a colourful photo that represents some possible things to do in the art room, or school in general. In school we use many differen...
This is a photo merge of my brother Shane. I decided to take pictures at home so I had control of the lighting and background. I don...
This is my double exposure, I took inspiration from Bear Grylls: Man vs Wild
This Photo represents a race. On the far right, we have me to tired to even try to run anymore. On the left, we have me easily running ...
Here is my photo merge its me in the outdoor classroom being me. I am admiring myself because Kane told me to admire myself. I'm a ...
In this photo tells a story of the everyday life of a student. There are many poses in this photo that represents the daily activities o...
Emotions are hard to be kept from being shown to others, and yet we still manage to. In this photo merge, I wanted to show what most peop...
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- Theo Baldo's Photomerge
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- Shaira's Best Photo's of 2017 Portfolio
- Shasha's Best Portfolio 2017
- Saleem's Best of 2017 Portfolio
- Inigo's Best Photos of 2017 Portfolio
- Zhan's Best Portfolio 2017
- Alyzea's PhotoMerge
- Mary Jane's Best Portfolio 2017
- Kane's Best 2017 Portfolio
- Kim's Best Photos of 2017
- Darshan's Best 2017 Portfolio
- Tj Best 2017 Portfolio
- Kim's Photo Merge
- Zhaira's Best Portfolio 2017
- Troy's Best Photo Portfolio
- Jessica's Best Portfolio 2017
- Joshua's Best Portfolio 2017
- JordanD's Best Photos Portfolio
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- Sasha's Best Portfolio 2017
- Saleem's photomerge
- Veni's Best Portfolio 2017
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Popular Posts
This photo portrays just how drastically someones calm afternoon can change. It was only 12:16 as Mr. Rodriguez put his lunch in the ...
This is a colourful photo that represents some possible things to do in the art room, or school in general. In school we use many differen...
This is a photo merge of my brother Shane. I decided to take pictures at home so I had control of the lighting and background. I don...
This is my double exposure, I took inspiration from Bear Grylls: Man vs Wild
This Photo represents a race. On the far right, we have me to tired to even try to run anymore. On the left, we have me easily running ...
Here is my photo merge its me in the outdoor classroom being me. I am admiring myself because Kane told me to admire myself. I'm a ...
In this photo tells a story of the everyday life of a student. There are many poses in this photo that represents the daily activities o...
Emotions are hard to be kept from being shown to others, and yet we still manage to. In this photo merge, I wanted to show what most peop...
Popular Posts
This photo portrays just how drastically someones calm afternoon can change. It was only 12:16 as Mr. Rodriguez put his lunch in the ...
This is a colourful photo that represents some possible things to do in the art room, or school in general. In school we use many differen...
This is a photo merge of my brother Shane. I decided to take pictures at home so I had control of the lighting and background. I don...
This is my double exposure, I took inspiration from Bear Grylls: Man vs Wild
This Photo represents a race. On the far right, we have me to tired to even try to run anymore. On the left, we have me easily running ...
Here is my photo merge its me in the outdoor classroom being me. I am admiring myself because Kane told me to admire myself. I'm a ...
In this photo tells a story of the everyday life of a student. There are many poses in this photo that represents the daily activities o...
Emotions are hard to be kept from being shown to others, and yet we still manage to. In this photo merge, I wanted to show what most peop...