Sasha's Photomerge
This photo represents what personas would overshadow one's mind when encountered with an eating disorder. The first persona would, of course, be the purging itself. This would represent the person's dire need in becoming thinner, or to be classified as more beautiful. Another identity a person possessing an eating disorder would showcase would be the initial breakdown of it all. This would represent the disappointment in one's self for letting themselves fall down a path of destruction, but would also never be able to change the fate of it all. A final persona that would result from the occurrence of an eating disorder would be the initial shock one would feel course through them. This would showcase them being surprised by all the damage they could commit by using only things natural to them. Possibly, a persona they could encounter would be that of saving themselves. It being post-produced to be black and white would show how it would be an alternate reality, only open to those who truly wish to change. With the way of saving the subject being their own hand reaching for them, that would give it an intimate feel, because of the way it portrays the person being their own savior. Since it is not apparent; or in colour, to the subject, it would become unknown to them. Therefore, it being in black and white would represent the subject overlooking the chance to save his/herself.