Veni's Photomerge

December 11, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments

Veni's Photomerge Assignment

This is my photomerge assignment. I made this image by combining several pictures with Photoshop. These said pictures were captured with a camera mounted on a tri-pod, to maintain the same background through all images. After that, I post-produced the image to make it fit the story that I wanted to tell.
The image is supposed to show us that sometimes, we are our own biggest enemy. Sometimes, our own thoughts are what kill us. This is represented by the crowding of Theo by his own self- whispering nonsense into his mind and hurting him. The de-saturated look of the image is meant to represent the never ending sadness that we bring upon ourselves. In reality, Theo(middle) is alone; the Theos surrounding him are all fake and projected by his own mind.

These are the pictures I used to make the final product: