Kane's Photomerge
This photo represents how much love and joy Theo Baldo has for basketball.
In the shots that were taken, he was either smiling or not, portraying that he has fun
playing the sport but also takes it seriously. The love Theo has for basketball is like the
unconditional love a mother has for their child. The viewer should see the happiness through
his smile like the way some people get happy when they see their food finally arive to the table
after waiting for so long. Playing basketball can be scary for some people but this photo is
also saying how much fun you will have according to Theo Baldo.
I took one photo of just the background and then took pictures of Theo in various places.
I used Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 for making this photomerge. Basically I took the
background photo and took each picture that Theo was in and cropped Theo on the
background photo. When I was done I saved it as a jpg instead of a psd.
I used Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 for making this photomerge. Basically I took the
background photo and took each picture that Theo was in and cropped Theo on the
background photo. When I was done I saved it as a jpg instead of a psd.